About Holistic Weather Forecasting
Our Story

“Who we are”
We are teachers of Weather! Not just a look at the clouds, but an overall understanding of the way weather builds, moves, and changes as it approaches acts upon, and departs your area.
We teach the “what” of weather; what it does, what to expect, what influences its movement, and how to anticipate the next move.
You can expect to find out that you inherently know and can internally sense the weather, and that you can track the weather with increasing knowledge, improvements in observational skills, and the development of an internal visualization of weather in a fluid movement across the landscape of your area.
“This is Holistic Weather Forecasting!
A lifelong journey!”
“Quote from Old Prognosticator”
Famous Quotes about the weather:
“Some people are weather wise, others are otherwise!”
“Weather forecast for tonight: Dark. Continued dark overnight, with widely scattered light by morning.”
“Don’t knock the weather. If it didn’t change once in a while, nine out of ten people couldn’t start a conversation.”
“On cable TV they have a weather channel — 24 hours of weather. We had something
like that where I grew up. We called it a window.”
“Getting an inch of snow is like winning 10 cents in the lottery.”
“If you don’t like the weather in New England, just wait a few minutes.”
What is this Site about?

When you think about “my own weather forecast” you may be thinking about posting a three-day forecast. But do you know?
- How do you track a low-pressure system from its approach to when it leaves your area?
- What clouds precede a cold front?
- How does where you live apply to what a storm does as it approaches?
- What does it mean when there is a halo around the moon?
- How does Weather sayings and lore, actually work into the grand picture of forecasting?
- So much more!
You have some idea how weather works, right?
The more you look through this site, what you learn from the Freehand Forecasting eBook, and [the online teachable HWF courses], the more you will understand and be better equipped to forecast the next day to a week ahead. At some point, you will be able to surmise the next few weeks to the following season.
Some of the parts to becoming a proficient weather forecaster!
- Time; Both reading, searching for new information, and observing the days signs of change
- Commitment to lifelong learning from the rich and abundant world of indications all around you
- Not a single bit of equipment outside of a way to be online while searching for new information.
- Following the days of weather, focusing on tracking on paper or as you get good at it, with your mind as a chronographic map of days progressions.
We do not restrict the use of Weather technology; we just highly recommend that you use those items sparingly as most of the learning is in the world around you.
Without internet cellphones, or radio/television. Just you and the elements, whether around town, out for a drive, or spending a week in the great outdoors, this will be your go-to, for knowing what is coming weather-wise.
This website can help you go from, “it might rain today” to: “looks like we will see rain before sunset”!
And from “Might be a nice day tomorrow” to: “Weather looks to be better tomorrow right through the weekend”!
Every page can bring a new way to ‘Improve your forecasting skills!